Monday, February 27, 2012

Tuesday, February 28 and Wednesday, February 29

For the nation Tuesday temperatures will be below average in the Northern Plains, but for the Central Plains, Ohio Valley and Southeast they will be far above average. Those living along the Gulf Coast may see overnight lows as warm as the 50s and 60s. The warm weather will continue for these areas as a center of low pressure sits over the Central Plains Tuesday afternoon. As a cold front cuts across the middle of Texas severe thunderstorms may occur in Texas and Oklahoma. However, further north heavy snow will target the upper Midwest and Northern Plains over the next two days with snow accumulations reaching up to 1 ft in some places. This winter storm will press on into the Northeast for Wednesday dumping heavy rain to a wintry mix and snow over the region. The following graphic illustrates CAPE, which is the Convective Available Potential Energy of a parcel if lifted vertically through the atmosphere. Large CAPE provides instability and suitable conditions for strong thunderstorms. As you can see from the graphic there is a suitable amount of CAPE to produce thunderstorms over parts of Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma for Tuesday night.

Warm temperatures are once again headed for Champaign-Urbana Tuesday and Wednesday! Tuesday will start out on the cooler side with a morning low of 26°F , but throughout the day temperatures will jump all the way to 51°F . Temperatures will stay remain steady over the course of the evening Tuesday due to a blanket of clouds that cover us the entire day. Be prepared to hear some possible rumbles of thunder Tuesday night with showers and thunderstorms developing in the evening hours. On Tuesday winds will be from ESE at 9-20mph continually increasing during the day. Wednesday will be a great ending to this February with a high possible of up to 59°F as Champaign sits right in the warm sector of a mid-latitude cyclone. During the overnight hours temperatures luckily won’t drop to freezing with a low of 43°F. Skies will be partly cloudy Wednesday and winds will be stronger at 17-31mph from the SW. Chances of rain showers may linger in the morning, but should clear out by the afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. For Tuesday my high and low temperatures were just off by a few degrees with a low 3 degrees colder and a high 2 degrees warmer. I was correct about an evening thunderstorm which brought down only a small accumulation of 0.1" of rain. Winds were in fact from the ESE on Tuesday with an average wind speed of 11.2mph with a max speed of 20, so they were in fact in the range I predicted. My forecast for Wednesday was too cold for the low and too warm for the actual high and low of 66°F and 36°F. Winds were out of the SW with an average speed of 24.1mph and within the range and direction I expected. The small chance of rain showers in the morning cleared out by Tuesday night leaving Wednesday dry and partly cloudy.
